All programs are available as you need – including packaged bespoke sessions or coaching
- Keynote or endnote
- Presentation or workshop
- Online or in-person
- One-on-one coaching
For a breakdown of specific audience offerings, navigate to this page.
Signature Keynote
Be The Star That You Are!

Empowering You to Make a Difference in Your World
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
In a world turned upside down, sometimes it seems that all around us is darkness. When surrounded by clowns and frowns, it is tough to see things clearly.
To counter this darkness, we need light, more light. And like the galaxies over our heads, the darkness dissipates when all the stars shine together.
Each and every one of us is a star. Our unique extraordinariness means that we have our own light to shine that no one else can offer. Often, though, we don’t recognize that we are a star, and our light is dim, or does not shine at all.
Trevor brings his signature keynote “Be The Star That You Are!” as a campaign to have all of our stars shine – together – to vanquish the darkness in our world.
Using his Seeing Stars framework, Trevor offers fresh perspectives to be comfortable with our own personal presence, uncover personal power, find balance from engaging and indulging in play, and discover our purpose and mission.
Together, we can shine our light, overcome darkness, and collectively make a difference in this world.
No! No! Yes, And…
Using Improv Skills for Negotiating
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
Workshop: 4 hours
Negotiation is one of the keys to success – successful management, successful careers, successful companies, successful IT organizations.
Learning to say No! is a first step in the negotiation process. Learning the right time to say No!, learning the right place to say No!, learning the right words to say No!, will increase your success when you are using your negotiation skills.
In this session, Trevor explores the world of No! and shows how it applies in your life : both business and personal, and where it fits in your negotiation toolbox.To enhance the No! experience, another negotiation skill for your toolbox will be explored. “Yes! And..” is a technique taught primarily in improvisational acting education.
Trevor will relate how it fits into your business environment, and provide practical examples of its use. Prepare to be challenged as you learn new skills and sharpen your negotiating senses!
(Artificial Intelligence for You) Understanding & leveraging AI
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
AI (Artificial Intelligence) seems to be a recent buzzword, yet has been in academia since 1956. Why is AI so popular today?
AI has many purposes and is used widely in our world. Having a chat with your smartphone or smart home device is a common use of AI.
In this session, Trevor introduces AI for the novice, the basic user, and introduces some revelations to even those who consider themselves experts.
Trevor will discuss the pros and cons of AI and alleviate some of the fears from AI myths! He will outline the best ways to leverage AI in your business, your job, and your personal life.
Human Intelligence is greater than Artificial Intelligence
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
When we talk about (and obsess) about AI, we regularly forget about the importance of HI – that is, Human Intelligence.
In this session, Trevor discusses how humans and human intelligence have been instrumental in the invention and ongoing development of AI.
The conversation continues with a review of how AI works, why AI is nothing without HI, and how AI is evolving.
Trevor will challenge the fears surrounding AI and look toward a tomorrow where technology is more than useful for humans.
Bring your own fears and prejudices and prepare to have your beliefs challenged! Walk away feeling positive for the future of HI.
Get A Life!
Advice your mother should have given you, but never did!
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
Book: Never Iron When You Are Naked
Does work consume your life? Have you ever heard the term ‘spare time’ and wondered how people have time to go away on the weekends or hit the gym after work? Are you stuck in a rut and feel like you’re trapped? Then you need to “Get a Life!”
This entertaining and lively session uncovers simple and practical tools that give you a fresh perspective on work and life.
You’ll walk away with the tools to change the balance of work in your life—and put more life in your work.
In this session, you’ll learn:
1. Practical ideas of ways to add depth to your life outside of work
2. How to enrich your life by increasing your sphere of influence
3. How to improve your productivity at work using by learning the secret to “happiness”
4. What steps you can take to refresh your perspective so you can enjoy your life
You Are Extraordinary
Finding your own extraordinariness
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
Every person on our planet is an individual. You have unique fingerprints, retinas, life experiences, parents, feelings, thoughts, and outlook. Your uniqueness makes you extraordinary. But do you know how to leverage your own ‘extraordinary’ to change your world, change the world around you, and make a difference?
(By the way, this is also how you find your ‘“purpose.”)
Trevor shows you how to adjust your own perspective and discover the secret to work-life balance (spoiler alert: there isn’t one!)
In this session, you’ll learn:
1. Adjust your own perspective and see the world around you differently
2. Find your passion and purpose so you can live an extraordinary life
3. Make a difference in your world (the key to finding more balance and connection both personally and professionally)
Navigating the Self-Help Minefield
A Framework for your SELF
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
Workshop: 2 hours
You might be asking yourself: Who am I deep down? Where am I headed? How do I get there and truly improve my life?
Maybe you’ve even picked up a book or two or listened to the podcast to answer some of these elusive questions.
But when it comes to self-help, there’s not one correct answer. What you need is a framework that you can apply to find the *right* self-help for you.
When you can apply a tested formula, it becomes a simple foundation for your journey to improve your life—on your terms. Trevor offers his usual direct, entertaining and inspiring perspective and challenges you to live your extraordinary life.
In this session, you’ll learn:
1. A framework you can use to create the rules for your own self-discovery
2. How to progress towards goals and dreams quickly
3. How to navigate your own unique path through the complex world of self-help
What the F*ck Was I Meant To Do?
Also titled: Finding Your Passion
A practical commonsense approach to finding your passion, purpose, calling.
Keynote: 45-60 minutes
Workshop: 2 hours
Life, in general, has 5 parts – we are born, we grow up, we get married, we have kids, and we die.
Two of these are mandatory, three optional in any sequence you wish.
What is missing for many of us is making a difference in the world that is our sphere of influence.
To do that, we must find our passion, our purpose, our calling. This interactive and engaging session is a practical commonsense guide to finding that purpose.
Trevor brings a plan in three parts. First, a discussion of what it means to discover your purpose and what is needed in that journey. Second, a series of challenging questions to guide you in the process. Third, an interactive discussion to identify the practical steps you can take in your search.
You will leave this session having started the process to uncover what the f*ck you were meant to do, motivated to be regularly engaged.
Breakout sessions
A Storytelling Framework
Session: 45-60 minutes
Workshop: 4 hours
In today’s world, we are tasked with mastering many skills.
We are called upon to be an expert in our field, a translator of concepts and ideas, an effective communicator, even an entertainer, and often a connector.
Storytelling has become the skill du-jour, and it is common across movies, tv, sales pitches, marketing, speaking, training, and consulting.
In this program, Trevor will show how the art of storytelling can be used to ensure effective communication and a connection with your audience.
The foundation is set by reviewing the basics of storytelling, then a storytelling framework is introduced to help develop each story.
Participants will leave with practical storytelling skills that will empower you for years to come. Every one will have a renewed appreciation and vigor for the power and art of storytelling.
For workshops, participants can bring a personal or work story to work on during the program. There will be hands-on time to further develop each story into a work of art. Depending on available time, some participants will have the opportunity to share their story and receive a constructive critique.
Stunning Slides
Slidecraft to Stunnify your Slide Decks
Session: 45-60 minutes
Workshop: 4 hours
Insights into developing slide decks to best represent your presentation topics, suit your presentation style, and facilitate the delivery of your message without distraction and more effectively than ever before.
This session will teach keynote speakers, breakout speakers, and business presenters to uplift their slide decks to match the level of their topic and message.
The philosophy espoused follows three tenets for slide decks – that they should be clean, concise, and consistent. You’ll leave with a newfound respect for your slides and be a more stunning presenter!
Overcoming Your Fear of Speaking
Session: 45-60 minutes
Workshop: 120 minutes
Do you find yourself speechless in front of an audience?
Does your heart race, your mouth parch, and your perspiration gush?
Do your hands shake, your palms sweat, and your knees knock?
You are not alone.
Your fear and nervousness is a natural phenomenon – and one that you can overcome. This session helps you understand your fears and shows you how to deal with them.
Trevor shares his experience gained while speaking around the world and what he has learned from his speaking mentors. This session explores specific, practical techniques that you can use to remove your fear of speaking. You can learn to speak with confidence!
Creativity for Non-Creatives
How a Fresh Perspective Boosts Creativity
Session: 45-60 minutes
In this session, Trevor will take you on a journey of how creativity fits in a normally logical world.
He’ll cover some practical commonsense ideas on where creativity might help in unexpected ways. He’ll show you how refreshing your perspective and outlook on life, balance, or your project will make a difference in achieving top level results.
Bring your already open mind to this session, and be prepared to see your world with new insights.
Story to Stage
Storycraft, Stagecraft
Workshop: 6 hours
This is a workshop combining the Storycrafting workshop with the Stagecraft workshop
Story to Slides to Stage
Storycraft, Slidecraft, Stagecraft
Workshop: 8 hours over 2 sessions
This is a workshop combining all three speaker workshops – Storycrafting, Slidecraft, Stagecraft
Storycrafting for Business
A Storytelling Framework for sales,
pre-sales, business presentations
In person: 2 days
Online: negotiable {2 presentations, 4-6 followup sessions)
This is a complete workshop using the Storycrafting Framework designed for organizations who need to evolve and improve their storytelling for a competitive advantage.
Storycraft, Slidecraft, Stagecraft
Individual bespoke coaching
This is custom one-on-one coaching covering any or all speaker workshops – Storycrafting, Slidecraft, Stagecraft
Stunning Slide Decks
Stunnify your slides
Individual bespoke slide deck creation/update
This is custom one-on-one slide deck development based on your message
Extraordinary event
Motivation, Mirth, Magic, Music
– with Merriment

2 hour evening spectacular!
Trevor is also in demand for services ranging across:
– storyteller
– instigator
– agitator
– emcee
– facilitator
– host
– stand-up comedian (novice)
– storyteller
– comic foil
– director
– actor
– writer
– tech support
– gardener
– coach
– coffee roaster
– trevoccino barista
– …